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Make sure you have a CUSTOMIZED solution. That's what we do... that's how we're different.
“I'm tired and frustrated. Why can't I hit my sales goals when I'm working 50-60 hours a week? I'm tired and frustrated.”Business Issue needing a solution: A small business owner operates a sales office and has two part-time consultants on staff to generate sales. Despite having “help”, his work demanded 50-65 hours leaving him exhausted and frustrated because his efforts didn’t appear to be delivering the results he expected since his close ratio was low. The V2E Solution: After applying our proven consultative process, we determined that there were several foundational elements missing from his business strategy: Vision and Mission Statements Sales Goals and Revenue Growth Targets A Streamlined Operations Plan Customer-Centric Billing tools Streamlined sales team recruitment tools Immediate Results: Sales increased while operating expenses decreased Annual income increased in year one after our solution was implement to $400,000 annually even though his work week was regulated back to 40 hours Long-Term Result: Client happily reports that he still leverages his learning and has grown the business to over $1 million
“My cash flow is decreasing because sales are down along with customer service levels. On top of that, I’m having to train new employees all the time because they quit or need to be let go”Business Issue needing a solution: Poor cash flow and high employee attrition was killing this business that was operating in a very competitive industry. Sales were sluggish and employee turnover was affecting customer service. Sluggish sale Poor cash flow Continual employee turnover Poor customer experiences are negatively affecting customer service at my business.” The V2E Solution: After applying our proven consultative process, we determined the need for: An intentional, aggressive and achievable sales growth plan A new pay structure to motivate and incentivize employees Immediate Result: Within two weeks, cash flow improved significantly Long-Term Results: The growth plan milestones were achieved by employees with clear goals and milestones presented to them. The firm grew so large that they needed to move into a larger facility
“Why can't I hit my sales goals when I'm working 50-65 hours a week? I'm exhausted and frustrated.Business Issue needing a solution: This small business owner worked alone to build her healthcare practice, but something wasn’t working because patients weren’t coming back. She needed an office assistant and someone to help her get on track to become profitable. The V2E Solution: After applying our proven consultative process, we helped this small business owner to: Clarify her values and vision for her healthcare practice. Create a profile of the type of office assistant she needed Help her interview in a way that would attract the right candidate We collaborated with the client to create a marketing plan to drive awareness to the practice and acquire new customers A critical process was developed and instituted within the practice providing an on-going utility with no increase in budget Immediate Result: Our business owner successfully hired a great office assistant who meets/exceeds performance expectations in place The successful new hire resulted in our owner feeling supported and empowered in her practice which in turn, resulted in revenue growth. Long-Term Results: Attrition is down due to the support provided by the new office employee New client acquisition efforts were successful resulting in higher revenue generation
It's time to take my business to the next level, but how do I get there?Business Issue needing a solution: Despite the fact this client enjoyed healthy profit margins and had a business that was “making it”, he assessed his industry and determined that “now” might be the best time to grow the business aggressively. But how should he test this assumption and if he’s right, what’s the right thing to do first? The V2E Solution: After applying our proven consultative process, we agreed the following things needed to be accomplished: Set up fundamental business systems to support marketing activities and employees to scale growth Determine the best way for the front end of the business to support the back end of the business. Become less reliant on a 3rd party accounting service Establish additional sales and training systems to increase client satisfaction Assist the business owner in embracing his role as owner of the business and leader Immediate Results: Once the owner embraced his leadership role, support for customers, employees and vendors improved. Morale among employees increased after the owner instituted successful team building activities New operational systems streamlined business processes decreased error rates and increased profitability Immediate Results: Within four months, the external accounting service was embraced by a full time accountant with goals and milestones to achieve on behalf of the business Established an employee training and development plan Creation and implementation of an automated bidding system which saved time and money Long-Term Results: Corporate projections indicated that the client’s revenue goals would be achieved on time Client satisfaction was improved and all KPIs were achieved

Here are just a few examples of industries in which we’ve provided client consultations:
Automotive executives
Real estate professionals
General Contractors
Marketing executives
Healthcare practitioners
And many more – so, let us help you with your business challenge!
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